News — mood

Kylie Lewis
7 Best Exercises for Adrenal Fatigue

7 Best Exercises for Adrenal Fatigue

You can’t solve problems using the same thinking that created them. Someone brilliant said that (probably Einstein), and we’re inclined to agree. But if that’s true, why do so many doctors and physicians prescribe exercise for adrenal fatigue? You would think that an issue involving the adrenals, which is triggered due to stress, doesn’t need added stress from even more physical exertion. Right? Well, sort of. There’s a direct correlation between stress and adrenal fatigue — too much stress for a prolonged period can disrupt normal adrenal function. But there are also clear benefits of exercise for clearing stress. So...

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Kylie Lewis
5 Mantras to Start the New Year Right

5 Mantras to Start the New Year Right

Start the New Year on a positive note! Check out 5 powerful Mantras that come from OTHER peoples minds that will shift your mindset. “It’s already working out” I first heard this from a very wise woman who worked closely with a Native American tribe. Whenever anyone would present as anxious or go on about their worries, she would simply say “it’s already working out”. I instantly felt drawn to the simplicity and tone of the words. She shared with me that this mantra is derived from a saying that has Native American roots. It seemed to make so much...

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Stress & Anxiety: A Perceived Threat To Your Well-Being

Stress & Anxiety: A Perceived Threat To Your Well-Being

You have probably heard that analogy of the “tiger chasing you” when talking about stress. The idea is that many, many years ago when we were cave people aka: the ultimate hippies, our day could most certainly involve running away from a saber tooth tiger. When this would happen, our fight-or-flight response would kick in and save our butt. 

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Adrenal Fatigue & Anxiety - What You Need to Know

Adrenal Fatigue & Anxiety - What You Need to Know

Feeling tired and anxious at the same time seems like a paradox. However, science is full of neat little contradictions. Experts say that there is a perfect, one-to-one relationship between chronic anxiety and fatigue. Anyone who has ever experienced anxiety attacks knows how common it is to feel drained and overwhelmed right after an episode of heightened anxiety. They know what it feels like to experience a sudden, rapid heartbeat, a sense of panic, and tight, tense muscles. On the inside, their blood pressure and heart rate are rising, and the sympathetic nervous system is going into overdrive, releasing toxins...

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