Stress & Anxiety: A Perceived Threat To Your Well-Being

Stress & Anxiety: A Perceived Threat To Your Well-Being


 You have probably heard that analogy of the “tiger chasing you” when talking about stress. The idea is that many, many years ago when we were cave people aka: the ultimate hippies, our day could most certainly involve running away from a saber tooth tiger. When this would happen, our fight-or-flight response would kick in and save our butt. 

Another name for our fight-or –flight response is our sympathetic nervous system. This incredible system is triggered when our body releases adrenaline, cortisol, & norepinephrine.  These chemicals of course are released when we are faced with a perceived threat to our well-being. Again, back in the day this may have been a response to being chased by a tiger, but today it might look like… sitting in traffic when you are already running late for your 8:30 am meeting with your BOSS. It might also look like being surprised by a pop quiz in class when you have not read any of the assigned chapters. Or how about when that sassy person you know makes a comment that really rubs you the wrong way. These examples may not put your life at risk, but most certainly may threaten your overall well-being, emotionally, physically, and mentally

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In all these situations, our body actually reacts the SAME way as it would if a tiger was chasing you. When those chemicals are released, and the sympathetic nervous system is turned on, the result is an increase in heart rate, breathing, constriction of blood vessels, and tightening of the muscles.  Does this sound familiar? It’s quite likely that your sympathetic nervous system may be working overtime.  In other words, we need to help our body differentiate between life threatening & simply annoying. 

There are many ways that we can do this. For some Yoga helps bring an inner calmness to center yourself in when life ebbs and flows. For others, therapeutic tools can be helpful to help process their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors when reacting to curve ball situations. Another effective way is to supply our body with the nutrients needed to better manage stress. Some herbs that have the ability to counteract stress are: Ginko Biloba, Rhodiola Rosea, & Eleuthero. 

Stress & Anxiety All Natural Product

Ginko Biloba has been proven to decrease the amount of cortisol that is released following stress. It also aids the body in blood circulation when stress attempts to constrict our blood vessels. Rhodiola Rosea is a mild natural sedative. How it works is by supporting the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system has the opposite function as the sympathetic nervous system. It’s job is to help you relax. And lastly, Eleuthero helps to inhibit cortisol, norepinephrine, and adrenaline from binding to their receptors. This means that it decreases the experience of symptoms of stress. WOW! Those are some powerful plants. 

At Happy Healthy Hippie we have intentionally curated a 100% plant based all natural supplement to combat stress and support a positive mood. We call it Joy-Filled. For obvious reasons! :)

 Along with the aforementioned herbs, Joy-Filled contains 4 other herbs that also work to boost your mood and support a positive mindset. Click here to learn more about Joy-Filled and how it can benefit you! 

Joy-Filled Stress & Anxiety All Natural Product

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  • I bought 3 of your products. Namastay…. I used it last night and I absolutely LOVE it! For the first time in a long time I slept all night. Best sleep ever!!

    LIsa on
  • Great article! Thanks.

    Bab on

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