News — longevity

Kylie Lewis
11 Best Vegan Collagen Supplements in 2023 [Plant-Based]

11 Best Vegan Collagen Supplements in 2023 [Plant-Based]

If you’re vegan, you know perfectly well how hard it is to get all the nutrients your body needs solely from your food. And when it comes to collagen - the protein that we mostly source from animal-based foods and supplements, it gets even harder. Your body can also synthesize its own collagen and help you get back your healthy glow in no time. So, how can you stimulate your body to produce sufficient amounts of collagen when you’re on a vegan or vegetarian diet? In this article, we’ll help you understand what vegan-friendly collagen is and which natural supplements...

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5 Ways to Boost Collagen Naturally [Science-Backed]

5 Ways to Boost Collagen Naturally [Science-Backed]

From foods to facials, there are quite a few ways to boost collagen naturally in the body. The fact is that collagen, an abundant protein in your body, is not just a skincare trend. It’s an essential part of your body’s ability to do everything from maintaining bone density, to ensuring healthy joints, keeping the skin looking firm and elastic, and even promoting better cardiovascular health. However, considering your body’s collagen levels “naturally” drop as you age, many people (rightfully) seek ways to naturally maintain their collagen levels when the body’s production drops. Considering all these benefits, discovering science-backed ways...

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7 Best Green Powders To Fight Inflammation

7 Best Green Powders to Fight Inflammation [In 2022]

Is there anything green powders can’t do? From helping you get the vital nutrients your body needs, to fighting off inflammation, and improving your immunity, energy levels, and hormonal health, green powders are quickly becoming a dietary staple. In fact, a study in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that 40 men and women who took a green powder blend for 90 days managed to reduce their blood pressure and inflammation in the body, as well as improve exercise endurance. There’s a catch, though: Not every green powder out there is created alike. While many green powder producers make sure...

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Does Adrenal Fatigue Cause Hair Loss?

Does Adrenal Fatigue Cause Hair Loss?

Stress disrupts virtually every natural process in the human body. From your energy levels to your sleep patterns to your skin, and even your hair, continuously high-stress levels can worsen almost every aspect of your health. Hair loss is especially stressful because it’s so visible. Think about the last time you were in the shower and pulling out clumps of hair or when you last woke up to a nest of hair on your pillow. Even though hair does grow back, it takes time. So what if it feels like your hair is falling out faster than it has a...

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