News — diet

Keio Lewis
smiling in bed in the morning

How to Wake Up Smiling Every Morning

They say that to wake up smiling every morning is to have found true happiness. While we agree with this, we are living in the modern world. Our world is a real world. It is one filled with demands and deadlines. It is fast-paced and comes with a daily grind that can quickly wear you down. It isn’t easy to wake up with a smile on your face. Sometimes, it just feels like another day, and you want to hit that snooze button for the umpteenth time. So, how do you wake up smiling every morning? In this article, we...

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Vitamin D hormone balance

Vitamin D & Hormone Balance (How Does It Work?)

You might know vitamin D as the sunlight vitamin that we need to keep our bones healthy. But did you know about the link between vitamin D and hormone balance? In fact, despite its name, vitamin D is in itself a prohormone. You probably have a ton of questions. What is a prohormone? How does our body produce it? How exactly are vitamin D and hormone balance related? That’s exactly what we’ll be covering in this guide. Read along to find out: What Is Hormone Imbalance? How Does Vitamin D Help With Hormone Balance? Other Ways to Balance Your Hormones...

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Keio Lewis
How Super Greens Help With Weight Loss [Try Now!]

How Super Greens Help With Weight Loss

Remember when your mom used to praise the benefits of “eating your greens?” As usual, it turns out, mom was right. How do moms do that? They just know everything. Well, what moms may not know is the full extent of the power of super greens, especially when it comes to weight loss. Yes, the “super” in super greens can ensure you a lifetime of health and longevity, on top of enhancing and supplementing your weight loss goals. Ready to learn how? In this article, we’ll break down exactly what super greens are, the expected health benefits when you incorporate...

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Adrenal Fatigue & Anxiety - What You Need to Know

Adrenal Fatigue & Anxiety - What You Need to Know

Feeling tired and anxious at the same time seems like a paradox. However, science is full of neat little contradictions. Experts say that there is a perfect, one-to-one relationship between chronic anxiety and fatigue. Anyone who has ever experienced anxiety attacks knows how common it is to feel drained and overwhelmed right after an episode of heightened anxiety. They know what it feels like to experience a sudden, rapid heartbeat, a sense of panic, and tight, tense muscles. On the inside, their blood pressure and heart rate are rising, and the sympathetic nervous system is going into overdrive, releasing toxins...

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