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15+ Ways to Boost Milk Supply [An Expert's Guide]

Breastfeeding can be stressful sometimes especially if you see you’re not producing enough milk to satisfy your baby. Running out of milk before your baby is full might leave you wondering why you can’t provide more. Different medical conditions, imbalanced hormones, or feeding your baby formula can result in lower milk supply. Thankfully, there are many proven changes you can make to your diet or the way you nurse that can enhance your milk supply. We’ve selected and fact-checked expert opinions on lactation and brought you a complete guide to increasing your milk supply. Read on to get the best...

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Stress relief tips

Stress Relief Tips: 21 Effective Ways to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Throughout our lives, we experience two types of stress. “Eustress,” or the stress you experience when going on a date, or competing for a promotion, is your body’s normal reaction to help you meet your daily challenges and motivate you to achieve your goals. It’s when pressure comes from negative circumstances such as the loss of a job, death of a close one, divorce, or health issues, that you’re exposed to bad, or acute stress. If this stress is consistent and gets left untreated, it can overwhelm you and take a toll on your well-being. The good news is, there...

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11 Tasty Lactation Smoothie Recipes (To Boost Milk Supply)

11 Tasty Lactation Smoothie Recipes (To Boost Milk Supply)

Want to know a secret about boosting your milk supply? It all comes down to what you eat. Or, in this case, what you drink. Whipping yourself up a lactation smoothie might not be just what the doctor ordered, but it’s a proven solution to help boost your milk supply. Here’s the good news: there are lactation smoothie recipes out there that combine everyday ingredients with what breastfeeding moms need most. In this article, you’ll get the scoop — pun intended — on the best lactation smoothie recipes, plus a few other tips and tricks you can use to keep...

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Happy Couple - Balance Hormones Naturally

How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally (For Men & Women)

Hormones play a major role in so many aspects of our lives. They control our emotions, behavior, energy levels, and food cravings. Today, unfortunately, more and more people suffer from various hormone imbalances. While you should seek medical help for severe hormone problems, mild hormone imbalance can be treated by changing your diet and lifestyle habits. In this article, we’ll cover the ways you can balance your hormones naturally. But first, let’s talk about hormones. What are Hormones? You have about 50 different hormones and all of them regulate different bodily functions. For example, the “female” hormones estrogen and progesterone...

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