News — insomnia

10 Signs of Hormone Imbalance (& What You Can Do About It)

10 Signs of Hormone Imbalance (& What You Can Do About It)

Have you been experiencing weight gain, irritability, chronic acne, poor-quality sleep, and/or an overall feeling of fatigue? These are all typical signs of a hormone imbalance. Don’t go into an anxious spiral just yet, though. Nearly everyone goes through periods of fluctuating hormones at least once in their lifetime. Puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, increased levels of stress, injury, trauma, and aging, are all possible causes. Now, just as with any problem, the first step to solving a hormone imbalance is recognizing that it exists. That’s exactly what our guide is about. We’ll be going through the most common signs of a...

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What Causes Hormone Imbalance? Symptoms & Remedies

What Causes Hormone Imbalance? Symptoms & Remedies

Drowsiness, restlessness, loss of hair, chest pains, mood swings, sugar level problems, trouble focusing, and infertility are only some of the signs of a hormonal imbalance. When you have a hormone imbalance, there’s either too much or too little of a hormone within your bloodstream. And because of the essential role that hormones play in your body, even the smallest hormonal imbalance can have a huge impact on your health. The reasons behind a hormone imbalance vary from stress, poor dieting, injury, and trauma, to more severe underlying issues such as diabetes, Addison’s disease, or thyroiditis. We’ll be covering all...

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Foods That Prevent Sleep

20+ Foods That Prevent Sleep (Which You Should Avoid)

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your overall health. Having trouble falling and staying asleep can make you feel tired and irritable the next day. The lack of sleep can also increase the risk of conditions like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. And unfortunately, sleep deprivation is all too common for most people. In fact, 35% of US adults don’t get enough sleep (less than 7 hours per night) and about 50-70 million suffer from one or several sleep disorders. While there are many possible reasons for a sleeping disorder, one of the most common ones is eating...

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4 Estrogen Dominance Symptoms [Spot & Fix Them]

4 Estrogen Dominance Symptoms [Spot & Fix Them]

Estrogen dominance is a growing problem — both among men and women. Have you ever wondered why there’s a growing number of men who experience male pattern baldness? Or why more girls are hitting puberty and developing at an earlier age than ever before? Estrogen dominance is to blame. In men and women, high (or low) levels of any hormone are never a good sign. But, when it comes to estrogen, the symptoms can affect other related hormones and can disrupt everything from your sleep to your weight and even your fertility. In this article, you’ll learn about the most...

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