News — herbal

12 Essential Oils That Boost Fertility for Men & Women

11+ Essential Oils That Boost Fertility for Women & Men

Fertility essential oils are part of the all-natural and alternative methods used by couples that are facing difficulties conceiving. Let’s face it: there are no lengths you won’t go to if you want to have a baby and you’re experiencing issues with fertility. And since au naturel is here to stay, why not explore every fertility-boosting option possible: fertility essential oils included. Let’s get into what essential oils are, and how you can harness their power to boost fertility! What Are Essential Oils Essential oils are scented, concentrated liquids extracted from plants using steam or pressure. The natural chemicals found...

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PMS Supplements

13+ Best PMS Supplements for 2022

Do you experience cramps, mood swings, and food cravings at that time of the month? You’re not alone. Every 3 out of 4 women get some sort of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms. And that can really mess with your plans and everyday routine. Many women take painkillers and other medications to alleviate these symptoms. However, if you want to cure PMS permanently, you can start off by taking natural supplements. This way, you will naturally improve the balance in your body and reduce the severity of the symptoms. In this article, you’re going to learn about: What causes PMS symptoms...

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10 Herbal Hormone Balance Teas For Women

10 Herbal Hormone Balance Teas For Women

Wracked with “female problems” because it’s “that time of the month?” You’re in luck: there's tea for that. Drinking tea for hormone balance is not a new concept, as women around the world have been using these natural remedies for hundreds of years. For example, studies show that drinking green tea can help reduce the risk of breast cancer, thanks to its antioxidant content and other tumor-inhibiting natural properties. It can also reduce estrogen dominance, which is a common cause of PMS symptoms. But it’s not just green tea! There are many other herbs out there linked to boosting other...

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