Can’t sleep? Mood swings? Cramps? Annoying headaches?
Blame it on the hormones!
We throw the word “hormones” around to explain just about anything. But few know how vital they are to the proper functioning of our organ tissues. Basically, all organs need hormones to survive.
Hormones are produced and released by endocrine glands. Even slight fluctuations in this process can lead to a hormonal imbalance.
This can happen because of malnutrition, stress, or anything that throws your endocrine glands off... and queue feeling irritated at every little thing your coworkers do all day.
The good news is that you can successfully treat light cases of hormonal imbalance by taking hormone balance supplements.
There are plenty of options out there, but we’ve scraped the internet and gathered the very best hormone balance supplements for you to try.
Without further ado, let’s get to it.
10 Best Hormone Balance Supplements
#1. Go With The Flow

Helps with: Overall hormone balance, PMS, menstrual, and menopause symptoms in women
Go With The Flow takes the lead when it comes to hormone balance supplements. Go With The Flow harnesses the power of nature by blending four herbs (maca, chaste berry, dong quai root, black cohosh root) into a gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan formula.
The product relieves tenderness and acne and does a particularly good job of reducing menopause and PMS symptoms, bringing you instant emotional relief.
How to take Go With The Flow:
The recommended dose is two capsules daily. In case your menopause or PMS symptoms are severe, you can double the usual take.
#2. Vitamin C

Helps with: estrogen deficiency in women, inflammation, adrenaline
Vitamin C is the popular name for ascorbic acid, which is both an antioxidant and an essential nutrient. Vitamin C helps regulate many hormones. It adjusts estrogen deficiency, reduces adrenaline levels, and controls inflammation.
In addition to being a great hormone balance supplement, vitamin C helps the tissue repair process, improves the immune system, and reduces cortisol levels. This is why we recommend you add vitamin C to your daily nutritional plan regardless.
How to take Vitamin C:
Tomatoes, bananas, oranges, and broccoli are high in vitamin C. Your local drug-store or Amazon probably also carries vitamin C supplements.
The minimum daily dose is 50 milligrams a day. You will see greater results with higher doses, but taking more than 60-90 milligrams a day can bring side effects.
#3. Milk Thistle

Helps with: estrogen levels in women, liver toxins
The liver is the most important organ for hormone balance. When the liver gets congested, it is not able to properly filter excess estrogen, the hormone responsible for the regulation of the reproductive system in women. As a result, the liver builds up toxins which can disrupt your hormone balance.
Silymarin milk thistle’s liver cleansing function prevents that, making it another great supplement that promotes hormonal balance. In addition, milk thistle can help lower blood sugar levels and ease acne.
How to take milk thistle:
You can find milk thistle in its more concentrated capsule form or as a seed, so that you can put it in your salad or smoothie. You can combine it with dandelion for better results.
#4. Glycine
Helps with: sleep quality, inflammation, pre-diabetes
Glycine is an amino acid neurotransmitter found in the central nervous system. Your body needs this amino acid to create proteins that are essential for tissue growth and repair. When your glycine is off, you have high levels of oxidative stress. This means that your cells, and as a consequence, you, are not getting the rest that you need.
Taking glycine as a supplement before going to bed can improve sleep quality and your body’s regenerative powers. It can also prevent cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and diabetes.
How to take glycine:
Two or three grams of glycine powder in a cup of water before going to sleep should do the trick. Glycine is also available in capsule form. Higher doses have no side effects.
#5. Organic Maca

Helps with: energy, libido, fertility, menopause symptoms in women
This hormone balance supplement comes from the Peruvian highlands. It is a powerful natural energizer. Organic Maca boosts libido and fertility and can help with discomfort women feel during menopause. In addition to being one of the best hormone balance supplements, maca helps relieve symptoms of depression and normalize blood pressure levels. It also helps boost the immune system.
How to take organic maca:
While some prefer to consume maca roots raw or cooked, the gelatinized capsules are the much more convenient option. Happy Healthy Hippie’s organic, non-GMO maca is a good place to start. Consult your doctor before taking organic maca in case you have issues with your thyroid gland.
#6. Raspberry Leaf
Helps with: hormone balance during menstruation in women, testosterone in men
Raspberry leaf tea is used by women as a supplement that promotes hormone balance restoration during menstruation. Due to its healing powers, tablets have become available, which are more convenient and more concentrated than the original leaf.
Raspberry is well-known for its antioxidant qualities and its soothing effect on blood vessels. Women will notice relief in menstrual cramps shortly after taking it. In men, it helps increase testosterone levels.
How to take raspberry leaf:
The regular daily dose for the raspberry leaf supplement is 750 milligrams. You can experiment with raspberry leaf tea, or if you are looking for a more powerful effect, you can turn to raspberry leaf capsules.
#7. Diindolylmethane
Helps with: detoxification, estrogen
Diindolylmethane sounds like the name of a scary chemical. Though it is a chemical compound, it’s far from scary. Diindolylmethane can be found in kale, broccoli, collard greens, brussels sprouts, and cabbage, and helps with detoxification. As a supplement for hormone imbalance, it helps balance estrogen levels by blocking the effect of testosterone. Some laboratory studies found it can also help prevent hormone-related cancers like prostate cancer and breast cancer.
How to take diindolylmethane:
Diindolylmethane supplements are available in capsule form. Over-the-counter doses vary from 100 - 350 mg. You should take one pill per day with a glass of water. Pregnant women should be cautious and consult their doctors prior to intake.
#8. Chasteberry
Helps with: PMS and menstrual symptoms in women
Chasteberry is the fruit of the chaste tree. It primarily grows in Central Asia and the Mediterranean. It’s also called “the monk’s pepper” because it was widely used by monks in Central Asia to repress sexual desire. Today, it’s used as one of the best female hormone balance supplements to regulate their hormones and soothe menstruation pains and PMS.
How to take chasteberry:
Chasteberry is available in liquid form, capsules, tablets, and as an essential oil. Capsules are a good way to start.
If you are on birth control or dopamine-related medicine, you should avoid it, as it can lead to side effects.
#9. Vitamin B6

Helps with: mood, energy
Vitamin B6 is part of the vitamin B group of essential nutrients. It helps with energy production in the body by producing the serotonin and norepinephrine hormones. Lack of vitamin B can bring symptoms of depression, anemia, and describe feeling “weak” or “confused”. It also helps with sleep and regulates the body clock, a symptom associated with jet-lags. As such, it’s one of the best hormonal support supplements.
How to take vitamin B6:
The recommended dose for vitamin B6 is 50-100 mg per day for healthy adults. Additional dosage is not associated with health risks. You can find B6 capsules at your local drug store or on Amazon.
#10. Gurmar
Helps with: glucose metabolism, thyroids
Gurmar (scientific name Gymnema Sylvestre) is a wood found in Asia, Africa, and Australia. Its benefits as a hormone balance supplement are primarily linked to affecting glucose levels in the body, which is why “gurmar” means “sugar destroyer” in Hindu.
So if you have high blood sugar or are craving something sweet but don’t want the calories that come with it, gurmar is a good alternative. It has also been studied to decrease steroid-induced diabetes by affecting thyroid hormones.
How to take gurmar:
Traditionally, gurmar was used in tea or its leaves were consumed directly. There is no recommended regular dose for it, so it’s best to follow the instructions in your chosen supplement. Now, it usually comes in capsule form.
What Are Hormones?
Hormones are chemical messengers that are secreted directly into the blood, which carries them to organs and tissues to exert their functions. There are more than 50 types of hormones that act on different aspects of bodily functions and processes.
Examples of important hormones include:
- Insulin
- Melatonin
- Estrogen
- Testosterone
- Cortisol
Meanwhile, hormones act on some of the following bodily functions and processes:
- Growth and development
- Metabolism
- Sexual function and reproductive health
- Cognitive function and mood
- Maintaining body temperature
- Hunger and thirst
When our hormones are balanced, our bodies are healthy and these vital processes happen without us even noticing. Too much or too little of a certain hormone, however, causes hormonal imbalance and a score of health issues that come with it.
Go With The Flow is a 100% plant-based supplement that supports you by:
- Menopause and PMS relief through herbal remedies
- Balancing hormone levels
- Providing mental & emotional relief
- Reducing bothersome physical symptoms (acne, bloating, etc.)
Try it risk free with our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
What Causes Hormone Imbalance?
But exactly what causes hormone imbalance?
Hormone imbalance can be caused both by external and internal factors. Some of the main causes of hormonal imbalance are:
- Hormone therapy, a cancer treatment that blocks or alters the hormones that fuel cancer development.
- Eating disorders lead to increased production of stress hormones, which cause higher levels of stress, depression, and sleep issues.
- Certain foods that contain hormone-disrupting substances. E.g. Even wild fish may be contaminated with high levels of mercury, which causes hormone imbalance.
- Cancer treatments, like chemotherapy, cause hormone imbalances mainly associated with changes in sexual health.
- Stress is known to throw hormones out of balance and cause mood swings, irregular menstrual cycle and increased libido in both genders.
- Injury or trauma can cause adrenal glands to produce insufficient amounts of hormones, which result in dehydration, fatigue and hormone imbalance weight loss.
Here are the 5 most common hormone imbalances to look out for:
- Cortisol imbalance, or the “stress hormone.”
- Estrogen imbalance or estrogen dominance, caused by the hormone estrogen - one of the main sex hormones in women. High estrogen in women is more common than in men and can trigger several total-body issues.
- Insulin imbalance, caused by insulin - the hormone responsible for your body’s metabolism.
- Progesterone imbalance, which is a hormone mainly produced in women’s bodies vital for menstruation and supporting early pregnancy.
- Testosterone imbalance, caused by testosterone - the main sex hormone in men.
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms
The only way to be sure you have a hormone imbalance is through a medical examination.
A blood test is the most common method. However, this method tests you for specific hormone imbalances (e.g. insulin imbalance, or estrogen imbalance).
So to get tested for the right hormones you will need to answer questions related to your hormone balance signs, when you started noticing them, and whether you’re taking any hormone balance supplements, hormone balance pills, or medications.
Additional tests include biopsies, ultrasounds, sperm count tests, thyroid scans, and at-home testing kits.
That being said, there are several hormone imbalance symptoms that can warn you of potential hormonal imbalance. Some of them include:
- unexpected weight loss or gain
- sudden mood swings
- unexplainable fatigue
- insomnia
- constipation
- loss of libido
- acne
- migraines
- early menopause
- & other irregularities
Keep in mind that some cases of hormonal imbalance can hint to serious underlying conditions, especially when mixed with other symptoms. Don’t self medicate - get checked by a doctor first and THEN you can start taking hormone balance supplements (if they’re relevant).
5 Tips To Balance Hormones Naturally
In addition to taking supplements that promote hormonal balance, there’s a number of other lifestyle changes you can do to balance hormones naturally. Some of these include:
- Incorporate a hormone balanced diet that contains foods which are rich in nutrition, proteins, fiber, and other healthy fats. If you’re suffering from a specific hormone imbalance, e.g. low estrogen, you can start eating foods that boost estrogen production.
- Drink green tea, (or any of the other hormone balance teas if you’re a woman), as it contains antioxidants and metabolism-boosting ingredients that are associated with several health benefits.
- Exercise regularly to boost your serotonin, estrogen, and testosterone levels and increase your memory, mood, sex drive, and general health.
- Cut down on sugar and refined fats, as studies suggest they are linked to insulin resistance. This way you can avoid obesity, diabetes, and other types of diseases.
- Use essential oils that can positively affect your hormone balance. Some hormone balance essential oils include clary sage, Ylang Ylang, thyme, and rosemary.
Hormone Balance Supplements FAQ
Still have some questions about hormone balance supplements?
Check out our FAQ below:
#1. Can Supplements Help Balance Hormones?
Yes, hormone balance supplements generally help to balance hormones. There are cases, however, when hormone imbalance hints to much more serious underlying conditions (especially when it comes with other symptoms). In such cases, you should consult your doctor instead of relying solely on supplements.
#2. What Supplement Is Good For Balancing Hormones?
Healthy Happy Hippie’s Go With the Flow takes the lead in hormone balance supplements. The blend relieves tenderness and acne and does a particularly good job of reducing menopause and PMS symptoms.
#3. What Are the Best Vitamins to Take For Hormonal Imbalance?
Vitamin C and vitamin B6 are the most effective vitamins for hormonal imbalance. Vitamin C helps regulate many hormones, thus adjusting estrogen deficiency, reducing adrenaline levels, and controlling inflammation. Vitamin B6 helps with energy production in the body by producing the serotonin and norepinephrine hormones.
#4. How Long Does It Take to Rebalance Hormones?
The time it takes to rebalance hormones depends on your treatment. If you are using hormone balance supplements and changing your lifestyle, you can expect to notice a positive difference in one to two months.
#5. What’s the Best Natural Hormone Balance Supplement?
Healthy Happy Hippie’s organic, non-GMO, maca comes from the Peruvian highlands and is a powerful natural energizer. On top of hormone balance, maca relieves depression, boosts the immune system and normalizes blood pressure.
#6. What’s the Best Hormone Balance Supplement for Women?
The raspberry leaf is widely used by women due its health benefits.
It’s mainly used for its uterine therapeutic effects, but it also helps women by increasing fertility, preventing miscarriage, decreasing heavy menstrual flow, easing pregnancy nausea, and relieving menstrual cramps.
Due to its healing powers, tablets of raspberry leaf have also become available.
#7. Can Adaptogenic Herbs Help With Hormone Balance?
Adaptogenic herbs work to reduce stress in the body. Stress is a threat to the immune, neurological and endocrine systems. By countering the harmful effects of stress, adaptogenic herbs also help with hormone balance.
#8. Can Hormone Balance Supplements Help Lose Weight?
Yes, hormone balance supplements can help you lose hormone imbalance related weight by regulating hormones such as estrogen, insulin, cortisol, and thyroid. If any of these hormones is out of whack, you may experience weight gain. By rebalancing these hormones through hormone balance supplements, you can tackle the excess weight.
Hormonal imbalance is discomforting and can lead to further health complications if neglected.
Thankfully, there are hormone balance supplements available that can help relieve much of the pain and discomfort. We hope you found some of them on this list.
We want to remind you that hormonal imbalance can be the symptom of underlying health conditions. So if discomfort persists or is mixed with other symptoms, see your doctor.
Stay happy and healthy!
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