Happy Healthy Hippie Baby Fever (Mommy Edition) Collection Supplement for creating a positive pregnancy environment
Happy Healthy Hippie Baby Fever (Mommy Edition) Collection Supplement  for promoting positive pregnancy outcomes
Happy Healthy Hippie Baby Fever (Mommy Edition) Collection Supplement for creating a positive pregnancy environment
Happy Healthy Hippie Baby Fever (Mommy Edition) Collection Supplement for supporting fertility and healthy pregnancy
Happy Healthy Hippie Baby Fever (Mommy Edition) Collection Supplement for creating a positive pregnancy environment

Baby Fever (Mommy Edition) Collection

Create the BEST environment for you and your partner to get Positively Pregnant!  


When trying for a kid - it's important to stay on top of your health! Start your day with GET YOUR GREENS. Our delicious green juice formula not only provides you with nutrients from 24 plants & fruits, but also supplies you with a boost of energy to hit the ground running! MACA provides you with an overall feel good nutrient that boosts your mood, energy, and endurance. ASHWAGANDHA is a powerful adaptogen that helps you manage the daily stressors that you encounter throughout the day, keeping you focused on the tasks at hand.

Combine all of this with our premium POSITIVELY PREGNANT (Mom Edition) - promoting a regular cycle and ovulation, while increasing uterine health and strength as you prepare to welcome a little one to the world!

$117.80 $94.24

Create the BEST environment for you and your partner to get Positively Pregnant!  


When trying for a kid - it's important to stay on top of your health! Start your day with GET YOUR GREENS. Our delicious green juice formula not only provides you with nutrients from 24 plants & fruits, but also supplies you with a boost of energy to hit the ground running! MACA provides you with an overall feel good nutrient that boosts your mood, energy, and endurance. ASHWAGANDHA is a powerful adaptogen that helps you manage the daily stressors that you encounter throughout the day, keeping you focused on the tasks at hand.

Combine all of this with our premium POSITIVELY PREGNANT (Mom Edition) - promoting a regular cycle and ovulation, while increasing uterine health and strength as you prepare to welcome a little one to the world!

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See What Our Healing Hippies Have To Say

Calmed me down without a prescription

Over the past year I'd been noticing that I was clenching my teeth throughout the day. It surprised me because I'd had anxiety issues in the past, but this was overwhelming. That led me to Joy-Filled. I began taking the supplement just under a month ago and it's made a HUGE impact on my daily mood.


Boosting my baseline…

I decided to try Joy-Filled after getting off of a non-narcotic, prescription nerve-pain drug. After two years of chronic use, I was definitely feeling effects of being off it, even with the taper. I was easily agitated and had very low energy. After 2-3 days of taking Joy-Filled, there was a noticeable difference in my mood, and it was much for the better. I highly recommend this product.



Everybody is different, but for me these supplements are like freakin’ magic. I’ve been taking them for about a month and it has already made such a difference in like every aspect of my life. My anxiety is lifting. I feel like I’ve been living in shades of beige and now all the color is coming back. I feel like my life is being saved.


Calmed me down without a prescription

Over the past year I'd been noticing that I was clenching my teeth throughout the day. It surprised me because I'd had anxiety issues in the past, but this was overwhelming. That led me to Joy-Filled. I began taking the supplement just under a month ago and it's made a HUGE impact on my daily mood.


Boosting my baseline…

I decided to try Joy-Filled after getting off of a non-narcotic, prescription nerve-pain drug. After two years of chronic use, I was definitely feeling effects of being off it, even with the taper. I was easily agitated and had very low energy. After 2-3 days of taking Joy-Filled, there was a noticeable difference in my mood, and it was much for the better. I highly recommend this product.



Everybody is different, but for me these supplements are like freakin’ magic. I’ve been taking them for about a month and it has already made such a difference in like every aspect of my life. My anxiety is lifting. I feel like I’ve been living in shades of beige and now all the color is coming back. I feel like my life is being saved.



Customer Reviews

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Franca Soave

I did send an email a few days ago with no response yet. This is not my first Maca. But this one has a very funny odor to it , which my others did not. I love the products but I’m
Not sure I want to take this one. It almost smells like it’s bad. Sorry.

Greater Cycle Regularity & Pregnancy Achievement

I started taking this in an attempt to regulate my cycles, which have been very irregular for years. I only took it for about three months before getting married (and at that point, I was not expecting to be married any time soon). My cycles went from an average of 57 days (with an occasional over 70 days; I probably have PCOS), to 30 and 40 days. I was hoping for regular 30-day cycles, but even 40 days is much better for me, so I was not concerned. I consider Positively Pregnant to have worked! After getting married, I kept taking it to continue regulating my cycles. I've been married about 4 months, and I am at least a month pregnant. Given my wild cycles, I was not expecting to get pregnant so easily/quickly, and I was dreading the possibility of fertility treatments. I'm very thankful that my husband and I will, Lord willing, have our first child in our arms next summer! I do believe that Positively Pregnant is a part of why this is so. Thanks for a great product that has worked so well for me. Psalm 127.

Shocking results!!!

I was perscribed clomed for 2 years and had no results. I was ready to give up and do the more costly fertility process. But then my friend sent me this for the woman and one for my husband to take (the positively pregnant dad edition. )You both have to take it faithfully and have sex every other day, Regaurdless of what . And exercise a little …And within one month mixed with clomed i was pregnant! I thought i was just a coincidence but then it worked again for my second pregnancy as well!!! Im telling you dont give up n try this!!!!

Jessie Coulter

I got the greens and the namastay in bed pills and both are wonderful and I have been recommending then to everyone I know. Keep making great supplements!